voters id

Hooray! At long last we are able to claim our voters id.

A voters id is considered to be an important identification card for people residing in the philippines. It has no expiration.

Bad part with philippines is that it takes so long to be printed that most people nowadays dont claim their voters id. I was registered on 2009. It came to availability on oct 2011. So a span of 2 years that ive almost forgotten its existence. I just remembered it again since the month for me to leave my country draws near as im leaving to work as an oversea nurse very soon this year.

For people residing in manila they are lucky that the manila governmwnt would mail their voters id to their respectice house addresses but it isnt same for quezon city.

Its important to give a call first as well to check if your card is already present.

This blog is just to acknowledge the vorers id importance and so if you are living in the philippines and still didnt get your voters id, please do so at the quezon city city hall:)

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